Thursday, October 23, 2008

Ok, a final random thought… have you guys seen the Nick Jr. show Lazy Town!? That show is one step down from the psychedelia that is Boobah. It’s some crazy kids show made in Iceland where a little girl coexists with these puppets. No, I’m not talking Mr. Rogers’s style crappy hand puppets where he cleverly supplied all of the voices (he had me going for 20 years.) These puppets are big, and the show uses trance music and dancing to get across some ridiculous message to the kids that love the show.

from --

I think the craziest children's television always comes from the same formula:
20% real people
50% cartoons, puppets, or other fictional characters
30% real people interacting with cartoons, puppets, etc.

Gullah Gullah island (
Sesame Street (the proportions are a little off here, with the rate of puppets increased to about 70%)
Lazy Town (wins award for least lifelike puppets. Also, did you know: filmed in Iceland.)
Blues Clues (the formula was a little different with this one too. 100% real person interacting with animated characters/set. Definitely a little more trippy.)
Fraggle Rock (Also a high percentage of puppets here, but a high percentage of real sets)

I like the taste of blood. Can I get a job that taps into this interest?

I see ice breakers as opportunities to find my soulmate.
I'm looking for a chocolate chip cookie dough, flying squirrel, teleportation, pineapple kind of guy.

Shark infestations are supposed to sound dangerous, but they really just sound gross.


Knock-knock joke books are the ultimate failure, because the only good knock-knock jokes use physical humor.

Who's there?
Interrupting giraffe
Interrupting gira--
*Joker makes wild giraffe-like motions*

Why adults don't play never have I ever:
Never have I ever fully recovered from losing my father to cancer
Never have I ever loved my second husband as much as my first
Never have I ever wanted a daughter
Never have I ever realized my full potential in my career

Also, because adults don't have friends.

I just thought of a joke that I would really like to make, except that it takes way too much set-up. I would have to play Feist's music on repeat, over and over again, until someone finally said something about wanting to change the music. And then I would say "What are you, the anti-Feist?"
hahahahahanot worth it.